Our Mission
Counseling is a profession about which I am passionate.
I believe our purpose as psychotherapists is to put our professional training at the services of our patients to help them grow and achieve.
I believe it is our ethical and professional obligation to stay abreast of what is happening in our profession and our communities.
I believe it is my responsibility to continue to learn and grow professionally.
I believe I am privileged to be allowed to travel this aspect of another’s journey.
I believe it is possible to work collaboratively toward agreed upon goals with each other.
I believe we can establish trust by being authentic and congruent with each other.
I am secure in my abilities and aware of my limitations. I believe it is crucial to be able to admit mistakes, handle them with perspective, and be strong enough to profit from the experience.
I believe it takes courage to grow and change. I respect that ability in others.
I will be there with enthusiasm and dedication to hold your hand when you are stuck, to help you up when you are down, and to celebrate your accomplishments.
When all is said and done, I want the life I model to speak louder than the degrees, ranks, and titles I may have earned.
I want my profession to be who I am, not merely what I do.